Regina Fasano - ABC Parenting Institute
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Regina Fasano, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Delaware’s Psychology and Brain Sciences Department and the Manger of Implementation Research for the Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-up Implementation team. Dr. Fasano received both her Ph.D. and Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology from the University of Miami in 2023. Prior to attending graduate school, she received her Bachelor of Science in psychology from the University of Scranton in 2018. Her research interests have included early childhood social, cognitive, language, and linguistic development, with a particular focus on children with developmental disabilities, including autism. These interests have transformed into questions of how early intervention can help children’s social and cognitive development, and how such interventions and outcomes may differ for children with and without developmental disabilities. As part of the implementation team, she oversees the screening process for new potential ABC coaches, is an active ITM supervisor, and the Manager of Implementation Research.