Participate in ABC - ABC Parenting Institute
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Participate in ABC

How can you participate in the ABC program?

Any parent, primary caregiver, or legal guardian who has a child or children between 6 and 48 months can participate in ABC. Some locations also have an adapted ABC program available that can start as early as the 3rd trimester of pregnancy or at birth. To participate, please visit our Find a Parent Coach page. 

Infants and toddlers are completely reliant on their parents who do so much for them. At the same time, parenting is hard. Parenting is even harder in contexts in which families are not provided the same supports as other families, such as in communities affected by years of structural racism, or contexts in which parents and/or their children have been through adverse or traumatic experiences, or when family and life stressors pile up and make it hard to respond to a young child who needs so much. The ABC program was created to support parents in the face of such challenges, and ABC is founded on recognizing and raising up parenting strengths and resilience.

“ABC gave me the tools and confidence to respond to my baby in different ways…I feel better equipped as a parent having these tools in my arsenal and feel lucky I got the chance to be a part of this program.”

What does participation look like?

-ABC is a 10-session program: one hour per week for 10 weeks.


-ABC is a home-visiting program, which means parent coaches come to your home to partner with you and your child. It may also be possible to complete sessions virtually through video conferencing or Facetime.


-An ABC parent coach will talk with you about you and your child, share videos and examples of common parenting experiences, and also provide you the opportunity to reflect on your own interactions through video from the previous week.


-Most importantly, the ABC parent coach will talk with you about “In the Moment” interactions between you and your child during sessions, highlighting the ways you are nurturing and playing sensitively with your child during session.


-Everyone is welcome! It is encouraged to include all caregivers and other family members and children in the sessions if possible.


-ABC is tailored to each individual family, but ABC is also backed by scientific evidence and effectiveness in diverse communities across the globe. Read more about our research  and approach to cultural humility.

ABC Summary

Ten 1-hour weekly sessions in your home with structured topics to assist you and your children.

You are offered positive feedback during sessions using video clip review and commenting on live interactions.

The program ends with a celebration and a special video gift of you and your children.