Allison Lipscomb - ABC Parenting Institute
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Allison has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Psychology and has 20 plus years of experience working with families and children who have experienced abuse and neglect and are involved with the child welfare system. She has provided home based therapy to high risk families and children who are experiencing abuse and neglect, domestic violence, substance abuse, trauma, poverty, homelessness, and mental health issues.  Allison has developed programs in several states for high risk families to prevent the re-occurrence of child maltreatment in which she has worked with biological, foster, and adoptive families as well as the court system, the school system, and community partners.  In 2012, she became connected with the ABC program and is certified in the ABC Infant model, the ABC Toddler model, and as an ABC Clinical Supervisor.  She now works primarily with the ABC program to provide clinical supervision to parent coaches in the ABC-Infant model.  Allison has lived in all regions of the country and internationally but has resided in Hawaii for 12 years.  Her clinical interests are childhood attachment, promoting safe and nurturing families, foster care, and the child welfare system.