Kirsten McLaughlin - ABC Parenting Institute
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Kirsten McLaughlin, Ph.D., is the Manager of Program Evaluation for the ABC Parenting Institute. Dr. McLaughlin received her doctoral and master’s degrees in Developmental Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and her bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Family Science from the University of Maryland. Her research is guided by the evidence that 1) early life experiences have long lasting effects on child health and development and 2) both the biological mechanisms underlying development and the broader sociocultural contexts in which parents and children are embedded will inform promising mitigation strategies. She is particularly interested in understanding how adverse conditions in early childhood can lead to persisting changes in a variety of metabolic, physiological, and structural factors that influence the development of self-regulatory behaviors and how caregiver behaviors may mitigate or exasperate these effects. Dr. McLaughlin’s ABC responsibilities include being an ITM Supervisor for parent coaches in training, leading program evaluation efforts and implementation research, training staff in behavioral coding of parenting behaviors and managing ongoing coding fidelity, and overseeing the ABC parenting website.